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How to Prepare for Bed

To prepare for a restful night, aim to have dinner as early as possible, ideally between 7:00 PM and 7:30 PM. Avoid exercising too late in the evening. Opt for warm, cooked foods such as vegetable soups or stews. Right after dinner, brush your teeth and use a mint-flavored mouthwash. Develop a habit of drinking a cup of unsweetened herbal tea, such as chamomile or fennel, after your meal. Minimize the use of cell phones or computers in dark environments after dinner and keep the lighting soft. Avoid engaging in mentally or physically demanding tasks in the half-hour leading up to bedtime.

Tips for Sleeping Well and Waking Up Energized

To ensure a good night's sleep and wake up full of energy, establish a calming evening routine. Finish dinner early, and include warm, easily digestible foods. Brush your teeth and use mouthwash immediately after eating to signal the end of your meal. Enjoy a soothing herbal tea to relax. Limit screen time and use of electronic devices in dark settings after dinner, and keep lights dim to promote a restful atmosphere. In the last 30 minutes before bed, refrain from activities that are too demanding mentally or physically. Following these steps can help improve the quality of your sleep and leave you feeling refreshed in the morning.

Morning reset

Morning Energy Reset Without Coffee

Starting your day with vigor doesn't always require a caffeine boost. Instead, engage in a morning reset routine that invigorates both mind and body. Begin by applying cold water to your wrists, face, and subclavicular area for at least one minute. This stimulates circulation and wakes up your senses. Follow this with mindful breathing exercises using biofeedback technology, ensuring a seated position with minimal distractions. Open a window for fresh air and maintain a well-lit environment. Consider holding ice to the subclavicular area while maintaining contact with your wrists for added alertness. These steps help jumpstart your day without relying on caffeine, leaving you refreshed and focused.

Breakfast for a Productive Day Ahead

A nutritious breakfast sets the tone for a productive day ahead. After completing your morning HIIT session, allow at least 10 minutes before enjoying your meal. Opt for a balanced breakfast rich in proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. Consider options like whole-grain toast with avocado and eggs, or Greek yogurt topped with nuts and fruits. These choices provide sustained energy and support mental clarity throughout the morning. Post-exercise, a warm shower can enhance relaxation, but if taken before breakfast, keep it brief and lukewarm to avoid slowing your metabolism. By prioritizing a nourishing breakfast post-HIIT, you optimize your body's readiness for the day ahead.

Advice on using your body scan

How to use the impedance balance

To get the best results with your impedance balance, it is important to follow some simple guidelines. Make sure to place the scale in a room with a good Wi-Fi connection, preferably in a place that is easy to reach in the morning as soon as you wake up, such as the bathroom or bedroom. Take measurements as soon as you wake up, waiting about 20-30 minutes before you start and without eating breakfast. Wear only shorts to prevent your legs from touching during the measurement.

How to prepare for scanning

To ensure maximum data accuracy, it is advisable to take a few precautions the day before the scanning. Avoid eating particularly heavy meals, drinking alcohol and hydrating much less than usual the evening before the measurement. If you had a larger-than-usual dinner, it is best to postpone the measurement until the next day to obtain more accurate results.