Meet our team

Leaded by passion, driven by excellence

Enthusiastic individuals, serving exceptional people, delivering outstanding results.
We are a team of professionals who are passionate about what we do and are committed to delivering top-notch results for every manager who trusts us.

Pasquale Natella

CEO and main founder

He spent eight years choosing and deploying outstanding managers in national and worldwide companies, employing a unique and inventive process. As Managing Director of the EXS Group, he has helped the company grow to become one of the most important and progressive in the field of people recruitment.

He previously earned substantial experience working for Unicredit Investment Bank, Bain & Company, and Key2people.

A dedicated scholar in pursuit of truth, specializing in neuroscience and behavioral analysis. Currently serving as an associate professor at SDA Bocconi, focusing on organizational matters, and at Luiss Business School, teaching Leadership. Additionally, he leads modules in the HR Executive Master program at IPE School (Naples) and the HR Open Program master at Bologna Business School.

He has a degree in Mathematical Economics, a Master's degree in Quantitative Finance from Bocconi University, and an MBA from the Luiss Business School in Rome.

Alberto Bonato

Scientific board manager

With expertise in non-invasive diagnostics related to body composition and the autonomic nervous system, he assists managers and entrepreneurs in leading sustainable lifestyles that enable optimal performance. In an effort to make his methods more accessible, he also works with a variety of clinics, doctors' offices, and gyms.
His main focus is on achieving psycho-physical performance through physical-motor, nutritional and quality-of-life reconditioning.

He collaborates with BioTekna, a leader in biomedical technologies, on several projects in the pathology and professional sports field, and has participated in several conferences as a main speaker in the field of scientific education.

Holds a degree in Pharmacy from the University of Ferrara and a degree in Human Nutrition Science from San Raffaele University. He is also a 2nd level Advance Personal Trainer certified by FIPE.

Davide Cervellin

Client success manager

Davide is an Analytics and Marketing Leader, named one of the 100 Most Influential People in Data Driven business for three consecutive years (2018, 2019, 2020). His 20 years of professional experience includes roles in Data, Marketing, Product and General Management.

He is also the author of Office of Cards, a book, podcast and YouTube channel on personal growth and the efficient and optimal use of time, for professionals and managers.

He has a working background in companies including Siemens, Vodafone, Pirelli, eBay, PayPal,, Telepass. He also supports several start-ups as an advisor and coach and collaborates with prestigious universities (Politecnico di Milano and Ca' Foscari Venezia). He has participated as keynote speaker in more than 20 conferences around Europe.

He holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from the Politecnico di Milano.

Emanuele Turella

Chief technology officer

He specialises in the design and implementation of information systems, ERP, CRM, web applications, and mobile technology solutions for enterprises and small businesses in a variety of industries, both public and private.

For over 20 years, he has been driven by a passion for software development, and he is constantly learning new languages and frameworks while exploring technological advancements. He has previous experience as a software architect and technology lead and is dedicated to shaping the clients' success through innovation and the development of cutting-edge solutions.

With over ten years of experience as a team leader, he has fostered a culture of servant leadership, prioritising his team members' well-being and growth.

He holds a degree in Computer Engineering and a 2nd-level Master's degree in Public Administration Engineering from the University of Rome 'Tor Vergata'.

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